Good evening to all
Good evening to all who are following the exploits of the Divine Ms "M" and me, Lliam.
It's been quite a trek crossing the vastness of the U.S. of A., what with me being deathly ill for four or five days, the trusty scooter breaking down, another five days and well, we've just got a ton of stories to tell, a whole bunch of pictures to post -n- a big ol smile happinin at this posting. After touching down just outside of Bawstin last Wednesday we found ourselves run a bit ragged by an overloaded schedule. Plans for Molly to stay in the big city while I went to a wedding in New Hampshire for the weekend fell through and we wound up in Motel 6 in Nashua at 2:00AM Thursday, went to sleep at 3:00 and up at 7:30 to pick Grets up at the Manchester, NH airport by 10:00AM. By 4:00 in the afternoon I put my head on a pillow at our freinds Angie & Johns in Whitinsville Massachusetts and come to 16 hours later...
Bed again becons; Molly and I will be blasting off for Mooshead Lake Maine in the morning and back at A & J's on Tuesday the 27th.
We be t-snoozin now, M & L
PS: Keep checking in, we will have pictures soon, I PROMISE!!!