Friday, August 26, 2005


Yup, let the adventure begin. I've got Lliam working fast and furiously on the R1100. At present you'd have to really use your imagination to see this mess of parts as a bonified motorcycle, capable of carrying my 9 lbs of ultra cuteness all the way to Boston. Ya, I'm a cuty! Don't worry, he's got the stuff to put it back together in roadworthy condition. Bast-Off is scheduled for Sunday or Monday; I'll keep you posted...

By the way, a few stories about the upcoming trip, the name of the sight, the "Brain Storming" session with our Buddy Paul (he's quite a character) and all that led up to this upcoming adventure.

So, join us daily as Eye and Lliam travel the States on our Two Lunger, I can't wait!

Slurpies, Molly / aka "Hot2Molly"

PS: Lliam is 9lbs also, but he's got "1" in front of that with a "0" behind it. Together we add up to, ......... a couple hundred pounds of DY-NO- MITE!!! Ya Baby...