Let the exploits of "Molly" be revealed...

At 7:40 PM December 4th 2006, at the prodding of my East Coast Connection, John Dolber, (Newenglandzen) Molly and I begin to recapture our long overdue motorcycle odyssey of 2005 between late August through the 19th of November, 2005. This was a trip that would take Molly and Me from Pasadena, California to Moosehead Lake Maine, back across Northern United States, on into Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. This in November mind you, (not recommended for two wheeled travel, as it snows this time of year in Canada)then on down the West Coast to home. As you follow our adventure you'll find this was not a trip for the faint of heart as well as pointing out some of the best places on earth for pie, and hands down, the best lobster roll to be had anywhere, bar none! We braved severe illness, cold and rain laced with high winds, a significant costly breakdown in Erie Pennsylvania (of course it was pouring) and the joys of getting to know some of the very beautiful people you get to meet under such circumstances. You'll share the joy of meeting my friends and family and the myriad of folks all across America and Canada. There's laughter and tears on this journey and I'll give it my best shot in the hopes you'll feel what Molly and I experienced.
Molly and I have traveled across the United States numerous times, run both coasts and everywhere in between, come to think of it, North Dakota, Alaska and Hawaii are the only states my dynamite girlfreind and I haven't seen; we'll have to tend to that soon! She, by the way, is the leader and impetus for all we do; I, am her humble servant, chauffeur and confidant, always at her beckon call as serving her has and continues to be the greatest joy.
Well, this is a new beginning thanks to the efforts and inspiration of Molly, East Coast John and Jan (mother and son) and thanks to you who have taken the time to follow along with the Hot2Molly adventures.
With the rubber side down,
Molly & Lliam
PS: Molly encourages kids to write in with thier questions. Molly is a big fan of writing and mathmatics for kids, she says "Mathmatics is in everthing you do, and everywhere you go, and everything you see and hear, writing is a natural way of expression and I encourage you write. How about right now!" love, Molly